Maxis, the end?
My March 22nd 2005 rant about Malaysian telecom provider Maxis generated a response, almost 12 months to the day later! Whilst I am impressed that they are tracking and monitoring the use of the word Maxis in blogs, the skills of the customer facing officer who contacted me were poor to say the least. Don't get me wrong, he was pleasant and apologetic but did not have the skills to attempt to winback my business.
Maxis, remember, a customer who complains is a rare breed but a breed you want to hold onto because complaints are free research. Next time a customer complains, get someone trained in retention or winback skills to contact him.
Maxis, remember, a customer who complains is a rare breed but a breed you want to hold onto because complaints are free research. Next time a customer complains, get someone trained in retention or winback skills to contact him.